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How Couples Therapy Helps With Marriage

Half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. Nobody gets married with the plan of becoming a statistic, but half of them do. Some of these marriages could invariably be saved, through couple’s therapy.


Couples therapy has a number of benefits for the couple. It should be noted that they will only see the benefit if they’re willing to do the work. As with any type of therapy couples therapy relies on people to put in to it before they can get something out of it.


As a couple attends therapy, together and separately, they should start to view the relationship differently. When a couple starts therapy, they view the relationship a specific way. They will often blame each other for things. Their therapist will help them look at the relationship differently. The details vary greatly by couple and therapist, but the change in mindset is essential to change the direction of the relationship.


A couple should start to behave differently, especially towards each other, through the course of counseling. Harmful behavior should fade. They should start to support each other instead, displaying healthier behavior as they move closer to reconciliation.


Many times, lack of communication can be found at or near the root of relationship problems. Therapy will help the couple find way to communicate better. The couple should stop avoiding each other and become emotionally available to each other again as they work with their therapist.


Eventually therapy needs to focus on the good. While solving the bad is a goal, for long-term strength in the relationship the couple needs to learn to focus on the good as well. Focusing on the good in the relationship should help restore the joy a couple had early on – when they only saw the good in each other.

If you are facing tough times in your relationship East-West Therapy Hawaii wants to help. With over 20 years of experience Dr. William Conti, PhD has seen couples in a worse spot than you. Don’t try to go it alone, contact us today to start the process of healing in your relationship.