Phone: (213) 880 8262

What is Dream Work Therapy?

One of the services that is popular at East-West Therapy is dreamwork therapy, a very effective tool for helping individuals understand themselves better and how their world works, creating more understanding, increased well-being and another resource for problem-solving. What is Dream Work? In the late 1800’s, Sigmund Freud presented dream therapy to the world. In his book, The Interpretation...
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What to Ask to Find the Best Therapist in Honolulu, HI

The technological revolution of the twenty-first century has made a wide array of activities easier to do. Whether it is getting information about what you don’t know through Google, seeing your loved ones who live a long distance away through Skype, or getting instant news through news service websites, technology has made a lot of things easier. One area that many individuals are now using...
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5 Ways to Release Your Anger and Embrace Forgiveness

When somebody wrongs you can be hard to move on. It gets harder the closer you are to each other. The pain and anger is real, and it should be treated as such. Unfortunately, that pain and anger can fester, becoming even worse than the wrong originally done. Learning to forgive the person who wronged you, and let go of the pain and anger will ultimately lead to healing. Embracing forgiveness in...
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